Have you seen people in the gym carrying their protein shakes in reusable bottles? People out on a run usually have one, too. Basically, all people who exercise bring a shaker and protein powder with them when they need to sweat it out.
There are plenty of reasons why fitness enthusiasts make whey protein powder a part of their lifestyle, both at home and during exercise. And seeing the results of their hard work and the effects of increased protein in their diet will make you feel impressed.
If you are thinking of incorporating whey protein into your diet and improving your lifestyle, it is important that you know which protein powder is the right fit for you.
What is Whey Protein?
According to Web MD, whey protein is the protein found in whey, which accounts for the name. On the other hand, whey is the watery portion of milk that you see when making cheese. The other part would be the curds.
Many people use whey protein to increase their strength and improve overall performance. Moreover, there have been studies showing whey protein as an effective solution for weight loss in people with HIV and preventing allergies in babies.
With the many benefits of using whey protein as your protein source, making it a part of your diet is quite understandable.
However, not all protein is created equal. So, the question now is whether you should choose regular whey protein or non-GMO whey protein.
Regular Whey Protein
Regular whey protein is sourced from cows in CAFOs or confined animal feeding operations. These are industrial-scale buildings that hold a large number of cows for the purpose of increasing profit and efficiency. Thus, CAFOs are usually crowded and packed, a space too cramped for any cow’s comfort.
While the protein level in regular whey is the same as in other types of whey protein, the cows where they are sourced from are what sets it apart. And it is where many are uncomfortable with.
Unfortunately, CAFOs are considered breeding places for diseases. And the cows held in CAFOs are treated with antibiotics to combat these diseases even before they start.
Moreover, the cows’ diet is mainly corn and other inappropriate food substances, such as candy and poultry waste.
Non-GMO Whey Protein
The absence of GMO or genetically modified organisms is what makes non-GMO whey protein different from others.
In short, the cows where non-GMO whey comes from are not confined in CAFOs but have access to pastures throughout the seasons. They feed on grass and other food sources that are also non-GMO.
Additionally, the cows, having enough space to roam freely, are free from stress and contracting diseases. There is no use of antibiotics and other supplements or growth hormones.
It is apparent how non-GMOs are the safer choice, especially since whey protein is used to achieve better health and performance.
To summarize, regular and non-GMO whey protein both have the same levels of protein, fats, and carbohydrates. The difference lies in where the whey comes from.
So, is it organic whey protein powder for you? Or are you more inclined to choose the non-GMO variety? Whichever of the two you plan on using, know that research is the key to your decision. Take your time to get to know Pure Encapsulations Supplements.
And when you know which one is the safer, more effective, and better choice that’s suited specifically for you, you can rest easy knowing that your journey to a fit and fab lifestyle is within reach.
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