HomeLifestyleFood & DrinkWhat Are Coffee Capsules? Is it Healthy for Daily Uses? Know here

What Are Coffee Capsules? Is it Healthy for Daily Uses? Know here

What Are Coffee Capsules?

Are you a coffee lover but are not well versed with the whole science of brewing an espresso shot traditionally, or can’t spare much time making that hot cup of coffee following old-fashioned brewing techniques? Yes, my friend, you are at the right place.

Single serving coffee is the best solution to your problem as it does not involve the process of measuring the flavouring & portions of coffee beans, thus reducing the time to brew a hot cup of coffee. Also, they come in two variations, namely Coffee Capsules & Coffee Pods. The significant difference is:

  • Coffee Capsules – The material used in coffee capsules can withstand high temperatures & thus can be used in several coffee brewing machines.
  • Coffee Pods – The material is delicate & hence it is not recommended to use them under high pressure. So they work more as tea bags with slower pressure.

In this article, we are going to discuss more Capsule Coffee, its green side & how it can prove to be harmful if taken in excess amount. Every Coffee Lover should read this article till end, so lets start

What Are Coffee Capsules & How To Use Them

Capsule Coffee

Coffee capsules are nothing but ground coffee encapsulated inside plastic containers & sealed with aluminium foil. As we already discussed, the material is compatible to use at high pressures & hence can be used to brew coffee with coffee machines.

But the question is, are these capsules capable of making a coffee that is as fresh & delicious as the old-fashioned one?

When it comes to freshness, coffee is at the freshest state just after roasting the coffee beans & here, the advantage is right after roasting the beans; coffee is encapsulated inside these capsules & hence any oxygen or moisture contact is prevented preserving all the freshness.

Different Ways To Use Capsules

Capsule coffee can either be used with a coffee machine or the other way if you don’t have one.

For Coffee machines, it works in 2 systems- Open System & Closed System, where the system is Coffee + Machine that we will discuss later. The other way is to cut the capsule open & use some other method like a French press or filter coffee.

Different Systems Of Capsule Coffee

There are two types of capsule coffee systems offered in the market


Open System

This is a flexible system as it allows the customer to use any coffee machine they like with a variety of capsule coffee brands & types. This is because the coffee machine under this system uses a set of standard capsule coffee types.

Closed System

Under this system, there is patent protection for a particular coffee machine & capsule coffee brand. Hence, once customers buy one coffee machine brand, they need to use the dedicated coffee brand, which is compatible to be used with the machine.

Advantages Of Using Capsule Coffee

1. No Need To Learn The Traditional Brewing Skills

If you are someone who does not bother learning the traditional skills of brewing coffee, this option is perfect for you. All you need to do is put that capsule inside the coffee machine & it shall take care further to make you a good cup of coffee.

2. Creates Lesser Mess

The traditional method uses many types of equipment as compared to the single-serving coffee & eventually more mess is left to clean up after making coffee. But here, you have to remove the capsule from the machine, throw it & the machine is ready to make another cup for you.

3. Provides A Fresh Cup Of Coffee

The coffee beans are sealed tightly inside the plastic container right after roasting, which keeps the freshness intact for you.

4. Vast Variety Available

Like Coffee Beans, Coffee Capsule is also not limited to a handful of coffees. There is a wide variety of Capsule Coffee available in the market ranging from Geisha Coffee to Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee and many more!

Talking about varieties & brands of capsule coffee, one such brand is iCapsulate which is the world’s first company to make biodegradable capsules compatible with coffee machines. This Australian Company was all in the news for quite a considerable time as it made the biggest ever deal in Shark Tank history, which later collapsed due to alleged reasons. To read more, check the link.

After having discussed much capsule coffee & its advantages, another question that is raised by many is whether capsule coffee is a healthy option or not? Let’s discuss more on that.

Is Coffee Capsules Healthy?

Although Coffee capsules have become profoundly popular among people due to their benefits, there are some disadvantages if used excessively.

Coffee Capsules contains a chemical called Furan which can prove toxic for our livers if taken in large amounts. It is produced at a high temperature while coffee is roasted.

While this substance could be dangerous, the conclusion here is caffeine is the main culprit as if the dose of caffeine is increased, it is harmful to our body & this is no reason to blame only the capsules. Coffee in itself can be dangerous if you are in a serious habit of taking numerous cups a day!
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