HomeTechnologyMobile AppsDos and Don’ts of Mobile Apps Security

Dos and Don’ts of Mobile Apps Security

Mobile devices have become an indispensable element of our daily lives. The rising reliance on cell phones has resulted in increased security concerns. Data breaches through networks, PCs, and mobile devices have cost businesses millions and remain a major security threat for users worldwide.

To safeguard sensitive data from hacking attempts, it’s critical to understand various security threats and how to counter them through an effective mobile device security strategy.

Common Threats to Mobile Security

Here’re some common security threats to mobile devices and apps:

Mobile Remote Access Trojans (MRATs)

Mobile RATs allow an attacker to manipulate a device remotely. The attacker searches your device for information and installs keyloggers to get user accounts, passwords, and credit card details.

Banking Trojans

Banking Trojans target financial institutions’ mobile banking applications. Hackers gain access to confidential information from bank accounts and payment card data. Banking Trojans can be sent by SMS, phone calls, or malicious applications.

Legitimate Mobile Apps

Many legitimate web-based apps put mobile security at risk.  Most users grant them applications access rights; hackers can extract this data from these applications’ distant servers and exploit it for illicit purposes.

Dos and Don’ts of Mobile App Security

Follow these dos and don’t of mobile app security to keep yourself safe from security breaches:

Do – Utilize Username and Password Generator

Username generators are of great utility, particularly when you need individual accounts to conceal your identification from the hacker. Since the primary target of any hacker is to get access to hack into your accounts, generating an automatic and complex username can help you counter cyberattacks and hacking attempts. Username generators create unique and random user IDs for any account. Check out https://1password.com/username-generator/ to download one of the best and safest username generators for Android users.

Password generators work in the same pattern. The purpose is to create strong, random passwords that are difficult to crack. Username and password generators are among the most effective techniques to counter ever-increasing security threats. These apps come with added encryption mechanisms.

Username and password generators track your account IDs and password, so you don’t forget them. They also allow you to create masked email addresses if you need an email address as a user ID. This way, you can auto-generate unique email addresses while keeping the real ones private to prevent hacking attempts and identity breaches.

Do – Update Operating System

Operating systems like Android and iOS launch new OS updates now and then. The main purpose of any operating system update is to enhance features, improve usability, and fix security issues. Mobile operating systems updates also come with security patches that include the latest virus and threat definitions.

Many of us tend to delay these updates for as long as possible. It’s important to download the updates whenever your phone asks for an update. So the next time your mobile phone asks for an update, try to schedule it on the same day.

Do – Use Strong Passwords

Strong passwords are your first line of defense against a security breach. Hackers use brute-force attacks and other intelligent algorithms to match the most predictable password according to your details. If a password is hacked, nothing can stop a hacker from maligning and exploiting your accounts for malicious purposes.

Even if you don’t want to use a password generator, creating a strong password is important. A strong password typically contains a combination of characters, numbers, and special characters. If you are using the internet browser on mobiles, try not to save user account information and passwords since it is the primary target of cybercriminals.

Do – Enable Two-Factor Authentication

2-factor authentication has been one of the most successful schemes to protect login information. Two-factor authentification (2FA) is called two-step verification or dual-factor authentication. Simply put, this electronic authentication method grants users access to certain mobile or computer applications only when they present at least two pieces of evidence of being an authentic use.

A simple example of 2-factor authentication is a one-time password (OTP) generated automatically for single use along with the user password. Banks, e-commerce apps, and other applications use OTPs for secure online transactions. Many online banking applications and password managers have now introduced biometrics verification to add another layer of security to your mobile app.

Do – Customize Settings

You can customize advanced privacy settings for each application on your mobile device separately. Applying these security features to most critical apps adds another layer of security. Other security features like closing idle apps, turning off Bluetooth automatically after use, and always asking for permission when connecting your mobile to other devices also enhance your mobile’s security.

Do – Mobile Penetration Testing

Mobile penetration testing or pen testing is one of the best ways to identify potential phishing scams or security breaches. A standard mobile penetration testing involves a series of tests to assess mobile client and server applications, network communication, and backend web service. The risk assessments during these tests include:

  • Insecure data storage
  • Accidental data leakage
  • Broken authentication
  • Broken encryption
  • Lack of Binary Protections

Don’t – Use Public WiFi

Public WiFi seems like a great idea, especially when it’s free. But the only thing you should remember is that – if you can easily use the network, so can the hacker. Public WiFis are filled with scammers and hackers who trace your mobile device through IP addresses and try to break into your mobile’s operating system through the apps you use.

Using public WiFi means inviting trouble. Hackers can trace your internet communications and identify your usernames. Therefore, always try using your mobile data service or secure personal WiFi networks.

Don’t – Download Ambiguous Apps

One of the biggest sources of malware is the downloadable apps in ads and mobile internet browsers. Adware has been among the biggest source of data breaches and cybercrimes in recent years. Adware is typically a legitimate application that companies use to display ad pop-ups on your screen. However, hackers can easily utilize this software to trick you into downloading malicious applications.

Sometimes you may come up with a warning message about a certain virus, asking you to install antimalware software. Still, you never know if the app contains malicious code to steal your sensitive information. Instead of installing third-party apps, always search for apps on Apple Store or Google Play Store, check their ratings and download volume, and go through app reviews before downloading and installing them.

Don’t – Store Sensitive Data on Mobile Storage

Anyone with physical access to your mobile or network or hackers who gain access to your mobile storage. We recommend not storing critical data on your local or cloud storage as it can increase the risk of a possible breach. Use data encryption tools to ensure safety. Keep your dependency on logs to a bare minimum. Set them on automatic removal or erase them manually from time to time.

Final Thoughts

As technology advances, threats to mobile app security are on the rise. While cybercriminals are busy developing new and intelligent hacking devices and tools, simple security measures can keep your mobile app safe from even the smartest cyber attacks.

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